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15:20 – 16:05 | Panel | Eyup Auditorium

Green Transformation: Navigating Digital Trade Barriers

This panel will bring together academics, business owners, and legal professionals to explore how green regulations impact digital trade. With a growing focus on sustainability, e-exporters must navigate eco-regulations affecting trade, finance, and taxation. Panelists will discuss adapting to environmental standards while staying competitive, addressing challenges like compliance with international regulations, financial implications of eco-compliance, and the role of taxation in promoting sustainable practices. Attendees will gain insights into overcoming these barriers and leveraging opportunities presented by the green transformation in digital trade, equipping them with strategies to thrive in an eco-conscious global market.


asli deniz

Assoc. Prof. Aslı Deniz Helvacıoğlu


Boğaziçi University



Gülizar Yavaş

Head of EU Single Market and Green Deal Department

Ministry of Trade, Türkiye

WhatsApp Image 2024 07 12 at 12.18.35

Dr. Kubilay Kavak




Yasin Beceni

Senior Partner

BTS and Partners

GS1 Turkiye Genel Muduru Elif Bilgehan Muftuoglu 2 scaled 1

Elif Müftüoğlu


GS1 Türkiye