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09:45-10:15 | Conference | Main Hall

Potential Target Markets in E-Export

Join specialists from the Turkish Ministry of Trade for an in-depth conference on identifying and capitalizing on potential target markets in e-export. This session will provide a comprehensive analysis of emerging and high-growth markets, offering insights into key economic indicators, consumer behaviors, and market demands that are crucial for successful e-export strategies. The speakers will discuss market entry strategies, potential challenges, and opportunities specific to various regions, helping businesses tailor their approaches to maximize their international reach. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge on how to identify the most promising markets for their products and develop effective strategies for penetrating these markets. This conference aims to equip e-exporters with the information and tools needed to expand their global footprint and achieve sustainable growth.


Hasan Önal

Head of E-Export and Digital Marketing Department

Ministry of Trade, Türkiye


Sarenaz Yüksel

Trade Specialist

Ministry of Trade, Türkiye