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Assoc. Prof. Dİcle Yurdakul
Sustainability and Brand Management Coordinator, Altınbaş University

Who is Assoc. Prof. Dicle Yurdakul?

Director of AU INOVA Research Center, founder and managing partner of WE.Q. Consulting, consultant to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and faculty member at Altınbaş University, Faculty of Business Administration. She completed her PhD studies in Marketing at İzmir University of Economics and University of Texas. She completed her Post-Doc studies at Koç University.

Dicle Yurdakul has lectured and participated in research teams at various universities such as İzmir University of Economics, Ecole de Management de Normandie, University of Texas, University of Rhode Island, Koç University and Bilgi University.

She as numerous articles and publications in the fields of marketing, sustainability and behavioral sciences. Since 2014, she has been working as a consultant and project manager in sustainability and inclusive business models projects carried out within UNDP IICPSD (İstanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development). As the founder and managing partner of WE.Q. Consulting, where she is the founder and managing partner, she conducts research and projects and provides trainings in the fields of “TECH4GOOD” and “Future of Work” with technology companies including Microsoft, Google and Facebook and NGOs, especially the Informatics Foundation of Türkiye.

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