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Kate Ancketill
CEO, GDR Creative Intelligence

Who is Kate Ancketill?

Kate Ancketill is a leading authority on global retail and commercial futurism with over 27 years of experience; By exploring the impact of macro forces on economy, culture and technology, she provides unbiased and compelling insight into retail trends and strategy consultancy to top consumer brands. She is a keynote speaker at global events. At GDR Creative Intelligence, Ancketill provides broad context and carefully selected case studies that show how new technologies and consumer behavior will impact physical and digital commerce.

Ancketill, who advises billion-dollar companies on innovation paths with her experience, offers guiding information on how technological and human innovations in the business world will take shape in the next five years. She specializes in areas such as conference speaking, thought leadership and board consulting.

It brings together the e-commerce and digital marketing communities, allowing them to explore future developments in digital and omnichannel retail. Kate Ancketill states that inspiration from different sectors and geographies in the business world is more effective in creating disruptive innovations.

Time to Meet Kate Ancketill to experience creating the brands of the future!

Take your place at the Istanbul Global E-Export Summit to be inspired by Kate Ancketill, a global authority on retail and commercial futurism, for professionals looking for innovative solutions, for those who want to shape the trade of the future, and to transform your strategies!

Speaking On: Driving in the Future | E-Commerce Evolution

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