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Li Mingtao
President of Research Institute, CIECC

Who is Li Mingtao?

Li Mingtao (李鸣涛), is President of CIECC (China International E-commerce Center) Research Institute.

Long-term engaged in e-commerce policy and market research, participated in the formulation of multiple national e-commerce policies and standards in the fields of national e-commerce demonstration cities, national e-commerce demonstration bases, e-commerce demonstration enterprises, e-commerce into rural areas, cross-border e-commerce, e-commerce statistics, etc.

In 2016, he was awarded the post meritorious model by the Ministry of Commerce.
He chaired the preparation of the Ministry of Commerce’s “China E-commerce Report” from 2013 to 2023 and participated as a core expert in the preparation of the 13th Five-Year Plan and the 14th Five-Year Plan for national e-commerce.
He is an expert of the National Digital Trade Expert Working Group, a member of the National E-commerce Demonstration City Expert Committee, a member of the National E-commerce Standardization Overall Group and TC563 TC83, a member of the APEC E-commerce Business Alliance Expert Committee.

At the same time, he served as an e-commerce consultant in more than 30 places including Tianjin, Guangxi, Shanxi, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Changzhou, Yiwu, Jilin, and other places.

Speaking On: E-Commerce Prospects and Influencer Marketing Effects in China

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