Assoc. Prof. Aslı Denİz Helvacıoğlu
Academic, Boğazİçİ University
Who is Assoc. Prof. Aslı Deniz Helvacıoğlu?
Assoc. Prof. Aslı Deniz Helvacıoğlu, Department of International Trade at Boğaziçi University faculty member and Innovation and Competition Oriented Development Studies Application and She serves as the Research Center Director. at Marmara University.
She received her master’s degree in EU and PhD in EU Law from the Institute.
His research areas are on technology-oriented policy and strategy building in innovation regulation interaction, innovation ecosystem design and innovation culture and expression.
Assoc. Prof. Helvacıoğlu has worked on innovation strategies, impact analysis and multi-level governance, especially within the framework of EU law. Prof. also has an artistic side. It is known that Helvacıoğlu is a painter who participated in national and international exhibitions.
Discover all aspects of technology and innovation with Assoc. Prof. Aslı Deniz Helvacıoğlu!
Innovation enthusiasts, technology professionals and visionary leaders, getting inspired by Assoc. Prof. Aslı Deniz Helvacıoğlu. Take your place now at the Istanbul Global E-Export Summit to transform your business strategies!
Speaking On: Green Transformation: Navigating Digital Trade Barriers & The E-Export Potential of Geographically Indicated Products